Sign up slots below

OLD RIVER BAPTIST CHURCH is a part of an amazing effort organized by our local pastors to cover our region (Southeast Texas/Trinity Bay) in unceasing prayer. We desire to have someone praying every minute of every day, every month. ORBC will cover the first day of every month from 12:00am until 12:00am. 

Each time slot is a 30 minute increment. You can sign up for more than one! If you want to pray for 30 minutes... great! One hour... great! Split the hour up between the morning and evening... GREAT! It's up to you! We ask you pray for the 30 minute increment(s) you sign up to pray!

While you can pray for other requests, we are praying specifically for these as well:

Please pray:

  1. For Eternal Conversations over earthly comfort

  2. For Conversions over crowds

  3. For Baptisms over building buildings

  4. That we have a servant’s heart for the ill, the grieving, the lonely, the hurting and the needy

  5. That we as a church family walk alongside our new members to encourage them and engage them in our ministries

  6. That through God’s power and the work of the churches in our area, that there is a great spiritual awakening in our community that results in salvation for many

Consider praying with our church family and alongside other churches across our region!

For more about the strategy, please visit: www.americaprays.org

Please review the available slots at this link and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!

Dr. Wes Hinote and the Leadership of ORBC